Digital Nomads Daily - Real Life Stories, Tips & Inspiration

117: How Outsourcing Boosted My Potential, Growth, and Freedom with Nienke Nina

• Nienke Nina | Digital Nomad & Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur • Season 10 • Episode 117

In this episode, Nienke Nina shares her experience and insights on how outsourcing can boost growth and freedom in your business. She discusses the benefits of outsourcing, the key mindsets for successful outsourcing, and practical tips for getting started. 

Whether you're a freelancer or a business owner, you'll learn how to optimize your time, increase productivity, and create a more fulfilling work-life balance. Tune in to discover the secrets of successful outsourcing and start building your dream business with more freedom today.

🔥How to effectively outsource

🔥The power of outsourcing

🔥Taking calculated risks

🔥Investing in learning and growth

🔥The alue of time over money

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Does your marketing feel messy? Fix it in one week together with nomadic entrepreneur and marketing expert Nienke Nina during the Marketing Power Week!


Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients.

If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for.


Nienke Nina (00:

01.494) All right, we're recording. Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast. I am so happy that you are listening to a new episode of our Nomadic Entrepreneurship Work From Anywhere podcast. So as a digital nomad, some people make their money by having a remote job, other people are freelancers, and then there are nomads that... have a remote job, but they also have a side hustle or just something that they're doing on the site. And kind of the motivation for that could be very, very different. Some people, you know, want to have a creative outlet, other people really want to like learn new skills. And then there's obviously, there is the money objective to have more ownership, to have more freedom and to, you know, like really work towards a brighter, more freedom lifestyle kind of future. Today I want to talk about something that is also about entrepreneurship, but it's not just about like, oh, this is how you build your business. I want to talk about something that has really, really changed my perspective on running a business and building freedom. And let me give you a little bit of a backstory. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of digital nomads can relate to this, especially the ones that hustle hard. And also coming from this sort of belief system that to create... financial freedom or all of that or any freedom is you have to work hard. Alright? So I have always worked really, really hard and I've really come from that system. You know, growing up, my parents weren't per se rich or anything and I started working since I was 13 years old, just kind of taking over my brother's job, you know, like bringing around newspapers to work in a grocery store. For me, it's always been kind of this mindset of if I want to have more money, I need to work harder or I need to work more. And that mindset has been a huge part of my life, I think, until even the beginning of this year, like literally. But this year, a lot of that changed because of the breakup that if you have been listening to this podcast for a while.

Nienke Nina (02:

25.194) you know, you know that I had a relationship and then there was a breakup and, you know, a lot of change and that is especially when you're nomadic and you're living together and do a lot of stuff together that that's a little bit scary. But it also really started to sort of create these new thoughts and these new sort of ideas around like what is freedom really for me because when I was analyzing sort of my life with my friends and my therapist and punch, butter people. I realized something. I realized that, yeah, I'm a digital nomad and I travel and I do all these things and it's super cool, high five to the world, but I still have this mindset and this habitual way of living where more money equals working harder. And I didn't want that anymore. And, you know, like I was reading a few books. I'm. And. having different conversations and now a few months later, I made actually some choices and I can really see that in just a few months, a lot has changed for me. So I will already tell you what has changed and that is that even though I was so scared after the breakup and I was just like, well, like now I have to pay everything for myself, like no more rent sharing and all of that, right? And I need more money, so I need to work harder. less now in terms of hours, but I am making more money. So what I want to talk about today is one of the ways on how I achieve this. Now as you know me and you know this podcast and you know my content, I will not tell you oh here are the five things that you should do and then everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and ugh it's all going to be good in the head. That's not it. So this episode is an inspiration. I hope it's going to be a motivation for you as well, especially if you're a freelancer, if you're thinking about freelancing, if you have a early stage business, if you're a soul opener, but also if you are working remotely or if you want to pursue all of these things, but you don't really know where to start is to just kind of like have or start already thinking about this type of mindset because I'm 33 years old and oh my God, I don't know why it took me so long, but it's...

Nienke Nina (04:

48.886) took really long to figure this stuff out. So what is this thing that I figured out this year or just in the past months that really, really changed a lot. And I'm that really freed up my time, but also filled out my bank account, which is great. And what that is, it's outsourcing. It's outsourcing work that you don't like to do. It's outsourcing. task that you may be not have the skill set for, it's outsourcing, you know, like parts of a project. And I'm specifically saying for me, parts of a project because I would never just like outsource the full thing, but just letting go and let someone help you and get support. And that could be like an assistant, but it could also have partnerships and you know, there's so many different ways to do it. And for me, This is something that I didn't do much. And even though I, you know, like people working with me, it's, it's always been this sort of control thing that I had, which didn't, which blocked me from having this utter mindset of outsourcing. Now, I also want to say that when I say outsourcing, I don't mean something that I mean, if you have read the full hour workweek by Tim Ferriss, and I mean, it is a great book, but it's written in 2008. So no offense to him or anything. But in that book specifically, he does mention already outsourcing and all that. I even read it, but it just didn't click with me, which is important. Sometimes you need multiple touch points until it resonates with you to the level that you can actually take action. And that is going to be fruitful for you. Because I did read the book, but what he said in the book as well is that you can like, you know, like outsource stuff to people in Bangladesh, Philippines, et cetera, for a low cost and then you can do nothing. For me, outsourcing is really, really not about that. For me, outsourcing is more about I have this idea, I have this vision, I might not have, you know, the skills, the time. I don't know, there must be all these resources that I don't have.

Nienke Nina (07:

09.058) So what am I going to do? Am I going to spend time on it? Am I going to spend money to learn it? Or am I going to take a step away from control or being in control all the time and let someone else do it? All right. So this is very important. Now, what this for me means is that sometimes I will have partnerships with people or I will have people coming into my business, helping me with stuff. And I give a share of, I don't know, of what we sell or stuff like that. And sometimes it's someone in a more assisting role. Like, you know, there's all these different levels of outsourcing. I'm not going to go too deep into that today in this episode, but what I want to talk to you today in this episode, just for you to also give you an opportunity to think about this and how this can apply to you, to your life, because obviously we all want to live a freedom lifestyle, whether that's about travel or spending more time with our families or. I don't know, like whatever freedom means to you, what I'm gonna talk about in this episode is, yeah, it's just some inspiration and some motivation and some practical tips, and I hope it resonates with you. And then you can, you know, like really start thinking, okay, wait, what are things that you can do in your life to, yeah, to free up time and space, your energy, your head space, I don't know. All right, so the first thing that is, Also very, very crucial for me is that because I started outsourcing things and I kind of started with, okay, I don't like doing this task, but it needs to get done to run my business. Can someone else do that? And of course the answer is yes. So what I did here is that I wanted to focus on my inner strengths, on my superpowers and really on my core. You know, like... scales and competencies because it's like if I can do that and I pour good and positive energy into my business because I'm actually liking my work, it's going to be way more fruitful than I am going to be super or if I can also have the option to not outsource it, do it myself, but to be super duper cranky and pour negative energy into my business and then everything becomes kind of a struggle. So for this, what you need to know is that if you

Nienke Nina (09:

31.426) have a business or a project or your freelance, whatever. Like if you're working on something and there is a bunch of things that you really don't like doing that can be done by someone else, you can outsource that. But it's not always about that, about what you don't like. Sometimes it's also about making sure that your work-life balance is way better. So here's an example. I love editing podcasts and I've been editing my podcast for a long time and also my other content and then at one point I realized is that by doing that I'm using up that time and that energy and even though I can do it, it doesn't mean that I have to do it because I spent that time and energy on that and that meant that I didn't have time and energy for something else. And sometimes it's good to, especially if you can invest a little bit. If you can answer this question, okay, I can work, let's say five hours on editing this podcast, but I can also do something else that frees up energies, headspace, time, anything like that. Instead of working those five hours on editing that podcast or whatever the task is, maybe even during those five hours, you can actually perform a task that is going to actually attract more people, bringing more leads, maybe getting you more clients. And then those five hours, the value of that five hours becomes very, very different. So you can also think about it. Um, yeah. And in that, like what, what is like the, the value of the time that you spent on certain things. Now, the other thing in a specific is specifically with the work life balance is that I wanted to do everything. And I didn't outsource because I was a little bit like, yeah, I don't want to spend money on that. I can do it. I should do it. So what I did is that I worked around the clock, but I was tired. I was exhausted and I was for sure not making more money. And I also didn't allow myself to make more money because I literally didn't have time and energy to do so.

Nienke Nina (11:

44.814) Uh huh. So what happened is that it was kind of pushing me into this sort of burnout kind of vibe. Not saying I had a burnout, but kind of these burnout kind of vibes where you're running really hard constantly. And when you do that, it's super hard to maintain a very healthy personal life. It's hard to take care, good care of your body. It's... harder to take good care of your relationships, of your friendships. So what I'm trying to say is that think about what matters to you, like what energizes you, but also what are things that are really, really drowning you? Can you outsource it? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. Now, the other thing is, or the other kind of benefit of outsourcing things in your business or tasks, is basically having more access to really specialized skills. And for example, you might need to do something, let's say build a website or a landing page or something like that. And you don't really necessarily have the skills for it. Now you have two options. Number one is that you can definitely like learn how to create a page. Like there's so much content these days online. You can literally learn anything. Maybe you can even learn how to become an astronaut. I don't know. Like. You know, like you can learn so many things online, but does that mean that you actually need to spend so much time and energy learning something, whereas for all of that time and energy you can simply outsource it to someone else, someone that is specialized in it, that loves doing that stuff, that will put good energy into it and that can deliver this way and way faster. Because it's not about going back to this example of the web, of the page, it's not about just building a page.

Nienke Nina (13:

39.478) But it's also about, are you gonna do it right? Are you gonna be satisfied? How much are you gonna tweak on it? Like, you know, like, so when you think about a specific skill that you don't have, but this skill is very necessary for your business to perform a task, or whether that's short term or like an ongoing thing or just like a one-timer thing, you can think about what would be better. Am I gonna spend 20 hours, 40 hours learning this? Or am I going to spend one hour researching the right person, maybe two hours, then create a task description and send it off and pay someone to do that. So again, it's a bit of like how much is time versus money value kind of thing. But I think that what I realized this past month, especially with the skills is that there were a few things that I can do it, but I don't have the skill to do it. 100% to perfection, not even perfection, but just like to do it really, really well. I can do it, but it's going to be a very minimal kind of thing. So instead I said, okay, I understand this, which is great, but I'm still going to outsource this because I need time for other stuff. And because of that, also the delivery of things was way, way quicker. So my, you know, the thing that I say a lot also to my clients and to my friends, just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to do it. Just because you can learn something doesn't mean that you have to learn it, spend all the time and energy and money on it and then learn it and then be unsatisfied. Okay. So very important that the other thing, what I really like about outsourcing is that, um, you have access to a global talent pool and a lot of people don't really realize that I love working with people and I love really collaborating with people. And since I started outsourcing, I got many more ideas for my business. I'm also because when people have a specialized skillset, they come in usually also with new ideas. Now, I'm not saying that you now have to outsource everything, but it's definitely something to consider. For example, the other day, someone asked me to be an affiliate of my business. And yes, that's possible. And usually I do this manually. So if someone refers a client to my business, to my marketing agency, you will get an incentive for that.

Nienke Nina (16:

00.874) It's really nice because I don't have to do it, but I really like doing that. It's very good. Now what happened is that someone was actually asking me this on an email as like an ongoing thing and I was like, uh, okay, so I think it's time to set up this affiliate thing. Now here's the thing. I have to somewhat the skills to do it. I have definitely access to the knowledge to learn how to do it in the tools for my agency, right, that I use. I'm. But. I also have access to a global talent pool around the world that can not only perform this task for me, but also really can bring, you know, like fresh perspectives and probably can do it way better, which actually means that I can be way more successful. So I have decided to research this a little bit just to kind of have a, you know, like a big picture on what more or less needs to happen, what is the flow, and then I will write a task description. Using AI, I can literally put in chat GBT like, hey, I am working on this idea. I don't really have the time and energy to do it myself. So if you would be a recruiter, what would be the best way to hire this in this person? And then chat GBT will write a job description for me. I tweak it here and there, and then I can post that on a place I got work. It's incredible. I love it. So now you know a little bit the benefits of outsourcing, the tasks in your business. So let's talk a bit more about mindset, right? It's super important to have the right mindset when it comes to outsourcing. And I understand that a lot of people are afraid to outsource tasks. And that is because it can be scary, it can be a risk, but I think that all of that is just in your head. It's like with anything else, everything is just a process. It's just a learning curve. Yes, things can go wrong, but things can also go really, really right. And I do believe that if you really have the good, you know, the right energy and positive energy, that's really what I mean with the right energy and focus on, okay, I'm, you know, like putting really your best out there. It's going to be fine. But what you need to do is number one. Trust.

Nienke Nina (18:

21.458) in the process and really, really believe in the power of delegation and understand that outsourcing can actually grow your business. When you outsource, it can definitely free up your time. And when all of that happens, you can actually live a more freedom lifestyle. And that is exactly what for me also a big change. It's not even that I didn't trust the process. I was just like, yeah, but I can do it, but I can do it. And now I'm trying to let go a little bit. I got to say it's still a process, but I feel like I'm doing really well. And I'm actually starting really to like it. I'm like, Ooh, can I outsource that? Ooh, can I outsource that? And what happens is that I did like my human design chart. Love it. Is that I'm way more in my superpower. And that means that I'm working less work is way easier. It's more fun. And because of that, my energy is better and now more clients are coming to me. So whenever I have a sales call, I'm less tired. I feel more confident and I'm building a business for growth because for me, that is my freedom and now it is because I have the proof of concept of I can earn the same or even more, but as I was working before, or I can earn the same and even more, but working less. I have that proof of concept right now. And so I'm like, yeah, let's go. So I trust the process, but also trust myself. Um, so the other thing, uh, I would say a must have winner mindset for successful outsourcing is that you, uh, gotta learn how to embrace change. And I, as a digital nomad, I think we're kind of really, really good at that because You know, especially the traveling nomads among us, we're working, uh, from different places, we're constantly changing communities, changing pillows. You know, there's so much freaking change that change is still in your control because you decide when the change usually is going to happen, but it's still changed. So if you also in your business, um, are more open to letting go of control and adapting to a new way of working.

Nienke Nina (20:

41.386) you can really, really enter a new stage of growing a business. And that is really exciting. Even though if it's a small business, if you don't want to make like a multi-million dollar business, still, it's not just about money. It's also about how do you want to spend your time? How much time do you want to work? How much time do you want to spend time alone and yourself? How much time do you want to spend with your family and friends? traveling, all these things, right? So embrace the change and then work towards more freedom, whatever that means to you.

Nienke Nina (21:

20.738) The other winner mindset and really a must have when it comes to outsourcing is that you still got to invest in learning. So what can be a true game changer is that once you start outsourcing things, you really got to also think a bit about the long term stuff, right? Because if you're going to let someone else perform a task, that person needs a description, right? That person needs very clear communication. Um, that person needs to understand what the expectation is. And you really need, you really need to start communicating in a way that it's clear for the other person, right? Because that person is not going to be in your brain. Very important people. This person is not going to be in inside your head. So you got to super, super clearly communicate. So that means that you can. educate yourself about how to like outsource, right? What are some of the best practices? And I will have some actionable tips later in this episode as well. Of course, I don't wanna just say, who this is, here's the mindset stuff and then leave you guys. I really wanna help you to do this. But because also of remote work and people are working from all around the globe, it can be really a game changer. So if you have never done it before, listen to podcasts, start reading books about it, but embrace the change, but also then invest in the learning on how to actually do it the right way. Okay? So the other thing, and I already said this a little bit about communication, is that I think that once you start outsourcing stuff, you also start looking at your business and your task and your projects a little bit differently. And that can have a very good impact on how you communicate, for example, with your clients or, um, you know, with other people that are working on your business as well. So I think that if you really want to become good at outsourcing, you develop some sort of, um, communication skills and leadership skills and, um, relationship skills, and that is super fruitful, not just for your business, but for, for anything, right?

Nienke Nina (23:

42.764) I think that it's also... So it's, you know, like, so you can really, really become effective, uh, an effective communicator. Um, but this is definitely part of, um, of, you know, the winner mindset for outsourcing successfully. Now the, the last mindset that I want to share with you, and I know that this is hard, but, um, people that outsource and that feel confident doing this and doing it successfully. They are a bit more comfortable with taking risk and they understand that not every outsourcing venture will be a guaranteed success or it will be as smooth, but they are willing to take a calculated risk. And I think that the more you outsource and the more you invest in this process, you will learn also more on how to do it better. And so yeah, you will maybe have a few setbacks. There's things might go wrong. I don't know, like all these things can happen, but be open to learning and then just improve it. All right. So I know that risk taking is not for everyone, but if it's calculated risk, then it's definitely something is kind of like a muscle as you can train, you know? It's not a sprint is a marathon. All right. So what you knew now, wait. Let's do that part again. All right. So, so, all right. So what you know now is, um, you know, some benefits, right? You know, some mindsets, but then next question is, how are you actually going to do this? Like, where do you start? So I'm going to talk about this from my experience, how I started. So kind of the very first step is that I started listening a little bit more, um, to podcasts and books, and that's kind of how it came to me.

Nienke Nina (25:

38.43) And that came then from the break up because I was really thinking like, okay, wait, how am I living my life? Like, I just need to fix this. So I was in a very critical moment in my life, but I don't think that you have to grow, go through a catastrophe to start outsourcing. That's not what I'm saying. But start with self-reflection. Like have a look at your life, have a look at your business. Are you happy? Are you, you know, are you doing the things that you want to do? Are you really, really living up to what you want to do? Are you reaching your goals? Maybe you have new goals already. And I think for, for me as a nomad, like I work so much, I worked so much. I have to talk in Pesensa. I worked so much and I realized is that I was kind of bored and not happy because I wasn't really. traveling so much and I love my work and I love my clients, but that doesn't mean that I have to work so much like I can also have time for myself to do other things without feeling guilty that I'm not working right so um What I did was on after this really came to my mind I first started reading a bit more about project management and books and kind of thinking about okay What what do I not want to do? Where is my superpower? What do I want to focus on? What are my goals? What is my big vision building this agency? What is my dream agency? How does it look like from dusk to dawn? Like from Monday to Friday, even if it's a Saturday or Sunday, what are my ideal clients, et cetera, et cetera, right? Once I had some sort of like picture, I started small, like really, really small. And this is like the biggest thing that I would recommend anyone, especially if you're still like kind of not sure about doing this, find a task that is repeatable. That is a task that can be done by someone else without making a really big investment and find a task, not a full on like big ass project. So not just like write my book.

Nienke Nina (27:

44.354) but kind of like, okay, I'm gonna write this book and then it needs to be published on Amazon. Maybe I can outsource that part. So find something that is small because this really helps you to start going into this creating processes mindset on like, okay, how if this task is performed well, then how would it be performed? And then also you will become a bit more, especially when it goes well. a bit more confident about, you know, like, uh, how you can approach it next time. So start small. Now, the other thing is have a very clear task description. What I love, and this is something that saves me a lot of time and, uh, fits my personality is instead of writing, uh, you know, tremendously long email or task description is that I will have a task description in bullet point. Like this is not what needs to be done. This is, um, when it's successfully done, how it looks or what the deliverable is. And then what I do is I record a screen recording and I, you can use loom or Vimeo or whatever, um, and then I will just explain the task. And sometimes that is a 10 minute video, but I would rather explain this person with a smile on my face and good energy, what needs to get done. So they connect with me and they get excited about doing this task. Then writing a really, really long email that is for sure going to have more questions, follow up. Okay. So, um, bullet point task description, and then also have maybe a video or something, a component so you can really, you know, like, uh, be as clear as possible while maintaining good vice because no one wants to get a task with shitty vibes because then it's not going to be performed so well. And that's, you know, you outsource is also because you don't want to. do it over and over again yourself. Now, the other thing is that when you're gonna give out a task, someone also think about, okay, does this person needs login access or maybe access to Google Drive, like stuff like that. That depends, of course, a little bit on a task, but for example, with a podcast, yeah, I need to have a shared drive so someone else can access that audio recording or maybe someone needs to...

Nienke Nina (30:

04.106) You know, go into my recording studio, my, my online recording studio and grab the episode from there, or maybe there needs to be a template for show notes and stuff like that. So really make sure that this person has also the assets to perform the task. Right. Now, if you don't have that in the beginning, don't worry about it. You will create it on the way, because this person might ask you a few questions. You create the assets. If it's a repetitive will tell me repeatable tests, you make sure it's going to be a template. So next time you can use it, tweak it. And then at one point you're going to have like a really good process. I'm all right. Now the other thing, like an actionable, um, tip to make it a little bit less overwhelming is to, um, is to choose kind of the right partner. I'm I know that this is maybe. a little bit hard when you start and especially when you go on Upwork and there's so many people that can perform that task. What I recommend doing is have a chat with someone that potentially has already outsourced that task or has done that task or you know, another business owner. Then you can get a little bit more insight. Maybe that person even knows someone. Word of mouth is super strong. I feel like word of mouth is especially in the Nomad space in our community. So extremely strong. A lot of my clients are actually just coming from word of mouth. So use that as well. And like I said, you can also use a chat GBT, for example, to get a good. Description for the project and the kind of person with the right skillset, et cetera, that you're looking for, but make sure to tweak that as well. Because sometimes when I do this, I get so much like the description of the right person that I need is so large. And. so comprehensive and I, you know, I might tweak it a little bit here and there. Um, the other thing, yeah, like look in online groups, but also an upwork. Sometimes, uh, if you specifically tied to a budget, you can have, you can source from, from certain countries. For example, that's a very smart feature as well, which is something I really love. Um, and then of course you can post a job and just, you know, like have a little bit of a process to kind of figure out for yourself, how can you choose that person?

Nienke Nina (32:

23.358) And also have a call if that makes sense, but this depends a lot on the task. Now, the other thing what you can do is to maybe do a test to see how it works, how the communication is. Again, start small, it doesn't have to be big. And you can also kind of have attack, like give out the task for, maybe it's gonna be 70 or 80% perfect. And then as you go, more questions come, and then you kind of update the task. So the next time either this person is gonna do it or someone else. already has the optimized test description. So that's really great. Um, now the other tip that I have for you is make sure that you use remote friendly collaboration tools. It could be anything like a project management tool, like Trello, Asana. I love using Notion, um, specifically also with my clients and with all the marketing content, um, it's really great. Make sure that you have a place where people can access documents. I could be Google drive. If you're a business owner, I really, really recommend to have a Google workspace or a Microsoft workspace thing. I know it's like 10 to 20 bucks a month, depends a bit on your package, but you know, it just works. You don't have problems with like link showering and all of that. You always have space. And also actually about the collaboration tools. Earlier this year, my laptop broke. I was in a cafe. I opened up my laptop and it didn't work. And everything for me was on a cloud. So I went to the shop, I bought a new computer and went in and then I went back to the restaurant where I was because actually I ordered food. I was like, can I hold off from the food and just buy a new laptop? And then when I came back, like while I was having my lunch, I was installing my new laptop and within 30 minutes I was able to work. So make sure that things are online available and not just stored in your computer. So it's not just for productivity and team collaboration, but it's also for your own safety and have less risk in your business. Now, the other, the final thing for having a more fruitful experience is to have some sort of regular check-ins. What I see sometimes is that a task get outsourced and you don't talk for a week or two weeks, and then...

Nienke Nina (34:

44.15) you know, then the outcome is there and you kind of have a disconnect and maybe then you're not happy or whatever. So, um, yeah, you can have, um, regular check-ins with people in my team. We have regular check-ins, even though if it's a small task, you know, we, it's either a video or in a project management tool where I have like a Q and A section where people can drop their questions. This is super helpful. I'm, and I think also if you want to, let's say. this is a task that you really don't want to do. It's a very fruitful way for you to grow your business, to grow your freedom. You want to make sure that you have a good relationship with that person, right? So if you're just literally ghosting that person, then it's gonna be a little bit hard. So it's also good to build good relationships because then later on, it's gonna be way easier. Like perhaps you need to do that task again, and then you just literally have to flick a message and say like, yo. We're gonna do this project again. Are you available? And then it saves you so much time to find a new person So that's really good. All right, so I'm To be completely honest with you guys Like I said, I've been only really into this topic since a few months But it really freed up my time one of the things I really loved what happened and this is super recently So I went to a wedding in Cyprus And if you are subscribed to the Digital Nomad Freedom Booster, you already got that email. So you already know that if not, you can go to digital nomads, slash newsletter and then you can sign up there. It's it's a biweekly newsletter where we share remote jobs. We share tips, new episodes and also little travel guides for your next digital nomad destination or just some inspiration. But And what happened is that I went to this wedding. I had quite a bit of client work and I'm, but I couldn't work all the days because it was my first time in Cyprus. There was a wedding. I wanted to hang out with the friends and it was with my digital nomad friend, Christina. So what we did was morning work hours. And then in the afternoon we would like go and explore. And before as a nomad, when I was still living in Bali, I think I was a little bit better at this.

Nienke Nina (37:

03.978) But this time I had anxiety. Looking back, it actually went well. And this is again, a super good example of I outsource certain things in my business. So things still keep running, which is great. And then by the time I need to be there for my super power, I am refreshed. I have good energy, I have positive energy. And when I show up, I show up with which is so much more of me. And then, and part of that is, you know, like, um, doing sales calls. Then I actually have a better work performance as well. So last week for me was, uh, or this week, it depends on what you're listening. So this week when I was in Cyprus, it's such a great example of like, I had to restructure and process all of these things, but I did manage to have half day work days and you know, like everything was fine. So, yeah, it's definitely possible. Now, if you are in the beginning of, I don't know, even thinking about becoming a freelancer or building a product or something like this, this might not be for you yet, but then my piece of advice is, especially if you wanna build freedom and not work a lot, like I'm not saying one hour a day, but just, you know, like have a nice work week where you have a lot of time for yourself, if you already... learn about this and kind of start thinking with this mindset, you're going to build your best business way better, way faster, more, you know, like a stronger foundation. And I think looking back at my entrepreneurial journey, I feel like I'm a bit of a late bloomer, but that's cool. I'm, yeah, I somehow wish that this clicked earlier in my life, but it's fine. It's also clicked at the right moment and now I'm really enjoying the fruits of it. So And yeah, also, you know, everything is a learning journey and it's all good in the head. We're not like here at competition or anything like that. Take your time. But yeah, if you have this goal of like, yeah, I want to have a freedom lifestyle and not just like be gloop behind my laptop and just work, then this is definitely a topic that you want to further explore. Also guys, if you actually want to learn more about these things, let me know because I have a lot of friends.

Nienke Nina (39:

26.31) entrepreneurial friends, amazing entrepreneurs who literally mastered this stuff. So, and even if it's on other like entrepreneurship questions, so we can definitely bring them on the podcast and, um, make sure that we answer those questions. And of course any travel related questions or day to day tips about digital moment lifestyle, even if it's about dating, whatever, it doesn't matter as long as it's about living life on your own terms, we want to answer that here on the podcast. Alrighty, that's it for today. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoyed it. And yeah, I see you in the next episode where I will be interviewing a digital nomad. Happy nomading.

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