Digital Nomads Daily - Real Life Stories, Tips & Inspiration

130: Finding Purpose & Alignment Through Conscious Co-Living & Retreats with Digital Nomad Anja

• Nienke Nina | Digital Nomad & Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur • Season 10 • Episode 130

In this episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast, Nienke Nina interviews Anja, a digital nomad who shares her journey from a 12-year remote job to a nomadic lifestyle. Anja discusses her experience of running retreats for digital nomads, mainly in Italy. She talked about her experiences with co-living, managing her energy, and finding balance in a nomadic life. Listeners will also learn about the challenges and rewards of creating intentional communities, the importance of routines, and how to align personal passions with entrepreneurial pursuits as digital nomads. Tune in for insights, inspiration, and practical tips from an experienced digital nomad.

🔥 Running successful retreats for digital nomads and entrepreneurs
🔥 The pros of co-living experiences and community living for digital nomads
🔥 Transforming passion projects into actual businesses
🔥 Prioritizing financial stability while exploring entrepreneurial plans

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Aside from the podcast, Nienke Nina runs a marketing agency and helps online entrepreneurs attract better leads and convert audiences much easier and faster into paying clients.

If you feel like you're always behind and spread too thin – this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for.


Nienke Nina (00:01.132)
All right. Hello, everyone. Welcome to a new episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast. Today I have a special guest. Well, all my guests are special, but what I really love is that with this guest, we talked a little bit on LinkedIn, I think it was, and then I was on a holiday in Italy and then out of nowhere, you were, I mean, you were there too. So we met up and then we were in the Aga Fai desert.

Anja (00:18.723)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (00:28.526)
dancing, breathing, having very deep conversations. And that all of that is so freaking amazing. I still cannot believe that, Jersey. Welcome, welcome, Anya. I'm so happy you're here.

Anja (00:36.835)

Anja (00:42.883)
Hello, me too. Thank you for the invite. Super happy to see you again.

Nienke Nina (00:47.288)
Alright, so... I hope soon in person.

Nienke Nina (00:57.068)
All right, so I always ask my guests in the beginning of the episode, just a few quick questions. So our listeners, they can get a bit of a vibe of you as a digital nomad. So my first question is, how long have you been nomading?

Anja (01:13.539)
Yeah, it's a bit difficult to say. I always had or have one base that I'm going from. And I've always worked remotely since maybe 10, 12 years. So I've been super flexible and going to places, but not just living out of my backpack. So it's a bit of a mix. And then lately moved more into the Nomad -like style.

since the pandemic, I would say. I started my base in Italy and then from there I've been traveling really a lot. So yeah, a few years on off.

Nienke Nina (01:53.198)
It's interesting because a lot of nomads recently that I either talked with like in just like personal conversations, some actually were conversations, but also on the podcast, like people have a base and I joined that group now as well like having a base and before I was fully location independent, but now having a base is like, oh my god, a whole new world opens up to me and it's amazing. So yay, go nomads with a base.

Anja (02:16.769)

Anja (02:22.491)
Slow -mat, half -nomad, whatever you want to call it.

Nienke Nina (02:23.206)
Okay, slow mass. Yeah, part time nomads. I don't know. All right. And where are you talking from right now?

Anja (02:34.243)
I'm on La Palma on the Canaries.

Nienke Nina (02:39.392)
Ooh, I didn't know you were there. Did I know that? Oh no wait, you did text me that, yeah.

Anja (02:42.339)
Yeah, spending one month here in a co -living also of my friend Sonja and we're running a really nice program here and I will return back to Italy mid -March.

Nienke Nina (02:58.614)
Love it, love it. All right. Now, this is a question. People really love this question because the big one is always how do digital nomads make money? Like how is all of this possible? So my question to you is how do you make your monies?

Anja (03:10.273)

Anja (03:15.811)
Right now I have a really good setup. Actually. I have a consultancy job, 20 hours contract, like freelance contract that runs over half year and probably longer, which yeah, where I use my my past career in consulting and project management. And I use that use that background and expertise just to have like a stable income and the rest of my time I'm working on my

own projects, just setting up a few things. I started last year to launch my own business and now also working on different things that I just love and it just gives me the time and flexibility to travel and to set up things with ease and not having a lot of financial pressure to make it work quick and fast.

Nienke Nina (04:07.982)
Yeah, love that. Love that. It's very good point. I think that, I mean, I have my passion of this as well. Like starting a business and everything. Wow. It sounds so sexy. But then with doing that financial pressure while traveling of that, it's then that passion project. The passion dissolves quite quickly.

Anja (04:23.425)
Uh huh. Uh huh.

Anja (04:31.515)
Yeah, that's why I now call it more passion project. If people ask me, I'm like, yeah, no, it's not really making money yet. But I'm, you know, at one point it might or might not, but it just gives me opportunity also to try things out. And then if I see something working, I can pursue that or I have flexibility to do something else. So that's actually really nice. And I don't need a lot to live like I have a, I'm traveling, but I have a quite like,

easy lifestyle. So yeah, that works well.

Nienke Nina (05:07.186)
Love it, love it. Let's talk a little bit more about your project because I really love it and it's also very connected to where you are right now. It's this concept of yes, we love being remotely and being in our own space and also meeting people all over the place. But there is something about, and I experienced this right now in my work in Tegazut.

There is something magical and special about conscious gatherings with like -minded people work on something, work towards something and have that in a catered structured experience. So how, well, I know what your business is about. So maybe you can quickly touch on that, but my main question is how did this...

Anja (05:58.145)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (06:01.902)
come to your life. Like what is that journey? How is that journey? How did that journey start as well?

Anja (06:09.987)
Yeah, yeah. I think, well, first of all, I'm running retreats for nomads and for communities, mainly in Italy. And I've started to do that. Well, basically, it was my own kind of my own looking for community traveling around and looking to find value aligned.

people that I would want to work and live with. So I found Co -Livings for me to be the perfect place to get in touch with others who kind of understand my lifestyle, also very quickly feel at home in a place like in an Airbnb. I feel like you're often somewhat disconnected and you don't feel so local. And so I really enjoy Co -Livings and I also noticed how...

how much I learned and grew as a person staying in these places. So I was looking for projects in Italy when I moved my base there and I didn't find so many. So I kind of started to create my project. Then I was part of an accelerator program, The Break.

And that really encouraged me to go on and just do my own thing. I was also with my partner back then. And I also noticed throughout this program of where we were all female entrepreneurs, that was another experience where I really felt kind of the power and the spirit of community and how that can help you to...

and encourage you to bring something to life and to create something. So that was an amazing experience that also fed into launching eventually my own business, which was, or is intended, or I don't know, I'm at a point where I'm like trying things out. But was intended, I wasn't, yeah, the idea was to set up a co -living. And I started running retreats because I don't have my own space yet.

Nienke Nina (08:23.404)

Anja (08:33.507)
And so I did co -living retreats in partner locations in Italy. And yeah, I'm still doing that. And we will see if I will have my own or set up my own space at one point. But now I'm really also enjoying staying in other co -livings and like, yeah, being there, supporting the community and then also running my own things or in collaboration with others or communities. So it's...

Nienke Nina (08:43.374)
Love that.

Anja (09:02.051)
it has turned out to become a very collaborative work that I'm doing, which I love.

Nienke Nina (09:09.422)
I love that. Yeah. And what is it like in a co -living? Like not all my listeners have been in co -living. Actually guys, like if you're listening, you're like, okay, wait, I've been in co -living, let us know. It's always good to know, right? Because I love stories about co -living experiences. So where was like your first co -living experience?

Anja (09:36.067)
I spent some time in eco villages actually first, so other forms of community living. And then I think my first one was when I was in Rome and Italy. I think that was my first experience. Yeah, I have to think back. It's difficult to backtrack. But yeah, and then I've experienced it here and there, but I still have a long...

Nienke Nina (09:44.014)

Anja (10:05.987)
of core livings that I would love to visit because there are so many amazing spaces and once you enter this world and especially in Europe I think it's yeah you kind of yeah.

Nienke Nina (10:17.454)
Yeah, I'm in a co -living right now and it's really nice. All right. So, okay. So what is it about co -living for you, what it does? Because I know how magical it can be and I haven't even done it like so often. Like, I also have a massive list, but what is it for you that is, that it's such a game changer, energy magnifier? Like, what is it, what, yeah, what is that for you? Like, how does that happen?

Um, yeah.

Anja (10:50.115)
Hmm. The first thing that comes to mind is maybe it's even a little bit the unexpectedness. Like you come there and I'm always super, I found it fascinating like how if groups come together of very different people, you have no idea who you meet. And then you live together and you have an intense time, but it's not just like sharing a space like in a hostel or in maybe similar.

accommodations, but you really are with the group and most people who understand the concept and join a co -living, they are there to contribute and to experience community and it's more intentional. So there's always so many learnings, realizations, reflections, new friends.

and connections that I make. And these bonds, I find, are more rare to find if you're just briefly passing by or you spend an evening or dinner together, whatever it is. But if you live together for a month, there's just a very special energy or magic that can come up.

Nienke Nina (12:17.71)
Yeah. Yeah, I definitely feel you and that. Do you have, do you have like a co -living experience that that really, really stands out for you? Maybe something recently or and why it's today.

Anja (12:33.587)
Yeah, I just wanted to also, I just want to go the other way and say disclaimer, it must not be this awesome all the time. Of course, but yeah, no, I had really amazing experiences. I think one of them was also, oh, I forgot the Spain one. Yeah, that was actually during that female entrepreneurs accelerator program. So,

we had a, we set up a sort of co -living in Spain together and that was just amazing. I think especially because all of us were at the same stage kind of in our lives, launching our own businesses. So there was a lot of alignment, a lot of things we had in common that we shared and talked about. And everyone was like a really inspiring person and had something they wanted to bring to life. So.

I think that was one of the experiences I really, really enjoyed. Also here in La Palma where I am right now, it's a sort of special purpose that we came together for this month to work on a specific idea, on a new project idea that we share. So I really enjoy these kind of very intense setups where I feel like...

It creates a lot of value and brings me one step further in my journey, maybe.

Nienke Nina (14:05.614)
Yeah. Yeah, it's like it's really, it can be super magical. But just as you just said it with a disclaimer, right. And this is always also why I do this podcast because it's I don't want to even like promote this lifestyle as oh, it's easy. Or if you do this, oh, happiness will just be waiting for you when once you step out of the plane.

Anja (14:25.643)

Nienke Nina (14:31.988)
You know, it's like, no, it's hard work and it's reflection and it's like a big fat mirror to yourself sometimes. And it's like, yeah, you don't always fight with the people. Like, without maybe mentioning like, like people or places like what have, what are things that have been challenging for you that were maybe like really unexpected? Like, whoa, that, that didn't flow well.

Anja (14:43.747)

Anja (14:58.583)
Oh wow, yeah, there's definitely a lot. I think just group dynamics, as fascinating as they are, can also be the most challenging. Also at my own experiences, it's always really, really interesting to observe how different people interact and how conflicts are.

approach and solve. And I think for me, I always take it as a huge learning. But if you're, I think if you're not ready for that, or I don't know, I think it's for me, mostly about like the people that are there, everything else, I feel like gets sorted out in a way. But there's the highest potential of magic to happen, but also of complete chaos to happen. So yeah.

Nienke Nina (15:53.838)
Wow, cool. So...

Anja (15:55.235)
And maybe another challenge for me personally is to find balance also in taking my personal space and time because I'm always very involved and like now I'm working a lot. I love to be with people. I'm trying to spend my time and there's so many things I want to do. And especially if you're in social settings all the time, for me, it's difficult to take the space and I need to be trying to be more.

Nienke Nina (16:04.332)

Nienke Nina (16:18.422)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (16:24.925)
strict with myself and more careful to make sure I have that.

Nienke Nina (16:28.782)
Yeah. Love that you're touching on that because that, uh, that is something that's, I think people maybe underestimate also for just lifestyle in general, whether you're in a cold living or in a nomad hub, or, uh, even just in the virtual world, like managing your energy and managing your social battery and managing all of these other different things that are more like energy related and attention related and all of that.

Anja (16:41.077)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (16:57.87)
So like how is that for you when you join like experiences or even when you curate experiences for yourself, like are there like certain ways or ways how you approach that that made that easier for you over time that you can share with our listeners?

Anja (17:18.915)
Yeah, I'm just very sensitive to that because I think it's one of the struggles, like you say, that we all share, especially having maybe not such a stable lifestyle becomes even more important to have these kind of anchor points that you have your routines. Like I'm very strict with my morning routines and my bedtimes. And I'm very aware that most people have that or most nomads need that. So...

Nienke Nina (17:44.846)
What is that routine?

Anja (17:48.323)
My morning routine. Like I love to go to bed early, wake up early. Right now I have the perfect rhythm trying to go to bed at like nine and get up at six, but it doesn't always work out. And then do some, yeah, do a bit of yoga. Also recently picked up running again. Have my, well, have my coffee and read before I pick up my phone, a new thing I implemented and then get to work.

Nienke Nina (18:13.454)

Anja (18:18.563)
And I also love this time for myself, mainly, as well as I'm trying to have an hour in the evening, maybe some time in between to answer messages and all of this. But I think it's like for me when I'm facilitating or hosting an experience, I make most things voluntary. So...

It's always an invitation if we do something, if we come together for like a mindful morning practice, then you can join if it serves you. But also if you'd rather take your time, be by yourself, absolutely encourage that as well. So just giving the opportunity and open that up, but also leading by example. Like sometimes I'm myself not part of something because I don't feel it. So.

Just having this kind of, yeah, very free setup, I think that's one of the things that's important for me.

Nienke Nina (19:24.462)
Yeah, I love that. I really enjoy it when people share like their routines and what's so important because, oh, no, I'm like revamping, revamping, revamping because I have a low mood and stuff. But yeah, so now that I'm on my workation, which is going to end tomorrow morning or tonight, I have been actually also reflecting on this, right? So.

Anja (19:30.055)
What's yours?

Nienke Nina (19:52.11)
I don't use my phone in the morning by default. And I even asked my partner, can you just not open up Twitter and the news or X or whatever, all of these things when we're in bed. So I would actually love to have a no phone policy in the bed. I wasn't working on that. So that's an important thing. I only start working after 10 a .m. and I have two hours of.

Anja (20:04.321)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (20:16.142)
of me time in the morning. And it's been really hard to put boundaries in that specifically with clients, time zones, all of these different things. So it's been a little bit of a tough muscle to stretch, but I managed. And now I think I want to push that boundary even further at 11 AM because I started running a few months ago and I am finally,

Anja (20:34.901)

Anja (20:39.221)

Nienke Nina (20:41.038)
running in not in pain. Like it's been really, really a lot of like small training and baby, baby steps. While I was here in Tagazoot, I had my first outdoor run in forever and it felt so good. Now that the weather is getting better, I need time in the morning to go for a run. And so I was like, I can cut down on my routine and take out stuff, but I'm not ready for that. So I will just add another hour of me time into my.

Anja (21:10.467)
Amazing. And I mean, you have the flexibility to do it. So I think sometimes we, for me, I noticed sometimes I forget that. I mean, few things are not determined by me myself, but like when it comes to my own project, or my own business, I do have the space and the possibility to say no and to push deadlines and to take the space or yeah.

Nienke Nina (21:10.978)

Nienke Nina (21:15.886)

Anja (21:39.747)
So that's something I might not use enough yet.

Nienke Nina (21:39.982)

Nienke Nina (21:46.414)
Yeah, and it's also like, I think, I think routines, I interviewed Sarah about like, also how to like plan for things without like planning too much into detail. And what's what I read, she said also like, yeah, like, I'm a planner, and I will plan everything, I won't go like somewhere without a plan. But my plan is always flexible. So it's not like this is like a regime and this, this is this.

Anja (22:09.355)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (22:13.39)
Like it's not like living in your own self dictatorship almost, but it is, it, you know, it's like, it's a routine. It matters to you, but it's good to also have flexibility in that especially for nomads because yes, sometimes you just don't always have to say it. And of course, if there's a crisis or something with any of my clients, like I will be there. Like, you know, so, but just as the general rule, there is things that I want to implement in my life. Yeah. And then also now that I'm here, um,

This is maybe a little bit harder for nomads, but I still think there's ways how you can do this more when you're on the road. I'm creating a self -love corner in my flat right now. So this is like I bought like the pillows in Morocco and like the big ones, right? And the mini carpet because I want to have a place where what you said, like where you just have an hour before to bed, where you can just go in your own cocoon and just in my little self -love bubble where I just like chant how proud I am of myself or I will just read something that's

you know, is good brain food or soul food, like stuff like that. So it's small things, but it's, I think it's important, especially when you're entrepreneurial and you want a lot, there's a lot of cool people, lots of opportunities.

Anja (23:26.435)
Yeah, and I think one of the things I'm gonna try, I'm not good at, but doing more things maybe offline. I have so many meetings and then I love to connect, but most of it is happening online. So, trying to be more present also in the spaces and with the people I'm with.

Nienke Nina (23:46.638)

Nienke Nina (23:50.542)
Yeah, I love that. That's also something for me that is a bit similar, but that is similar when, well, also when we met, like it was, I mean, stupid enough, I should say it because I mean, we're honest here on the podcast. I stupidly missed a call or something. Like there was, but it was.

Anja (24:12.871)
Right, and then we went to Sissi and we were like, let's just have a coffee.

Nienke Nina (24:17.902)
How embarrassing is that? But then, you know, all went well and we met in Sicily and we had like a little gelato in like a super small street. Like thinking about that, we could have had like an average Zoom call. And now we had this like amazing quick coffee in Sicily and it was so, it was so cool. And like, just like reflecting on that, just thinking about that in -person moment, that, that

Anja (24:41.259)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (24:46.766)
I mean, I feel like that was a stronger catalyst for where we are right now in our friendship journey and you know, like other things that we discuss. Whereas if it would have been a Zoom call, I think it would still be magic, but maybe less strong in a way because there's something about in person.

Anja (25:07.075)
Yeah, and I still kind of have the smell or visualise the place where we were sitting. It has a different intensity of the memory because otherwise you have the screen in front of you.

Nienke Nina (25:16.078)

Nienke Nina (25:23.694)
Yeah, exactly, exactly. And I can imagine that I would love to hear a little bit more also about your retreats, because that's all in person, right? And those are like very conscious created experiences. So what because retreats like so many people retreat here retreat there. Wow, in a nomad space blowing up. So what, what, what type of retreats are you?

Anja (25:44.053)
Mm -hmm.

I know.


Nienke Nina (25:52.12)
Are you like doing like what, what is kind of your, uh, how do you want to call it team? I don't know. What was your vibe?

Anja (25:59.675)
concept. My vibe. Yeah. We do, I would say, quite classic nomad retreat. So we have one or two weeks of co -living together, co -working time, and then we add a lot of extra stuff like breakfast, yoga in the morning, mastermind sessions, spirit sharing sessions. So it's a mix of

some mindfulness activities, some professional development and just connection of the group. And then what's special is that we always located in more rural areas, more in nature. So there would always be like a direct access to nature where you could go exploring, hiking, swimming. Like we will be on Sardinia, close to the beach in May actually. And then another one.

Nienke Nina (26:49.998)

Anja (26:58.723)
later in the year in Puglia, a very small town, but also very connected. And yeah, I do run the retreats mostly in Italy. Like when I do my own nomad retreats, then we're in Italy and in different regions. So we have Tuscany, Sardinia, Puglia on the map. And we always, and I feel like, yeah, Italy is just, there's a lot to explore. Every region is.

super super different. Everyone knows the food is amazing, you know, people are friendly and it's just really nice place to live and we try to bring this local aspect into the retreat as much as we can as well by exploring the kitchen, the Italian kitchen, also inviting locals to host

Nienke Nina (27:32.554)

Anja (27:55.779)
workshops or to work with us. And yeah, so it's a quite diverse or it's a concept from of different parts. But overall, we find it a very balanced concept because it's something of everything in there. But you also have time to

Nienke Nina (28:19.63)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (28:23.445)
work on your projects to connect and to really be with other nomads or travelers who are either entrepreneurs or freelancers to share ideas and really co-create -create. So we always bring this co -creation aspect in as well. So people have the opportunity to share what they know, what they would like to contribute, try something new.

Nienke Nina (28:49.74)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (28:51.555)
but also learn from others. So it's not like I'm coming up with a complete program for two weeks. But we bring the group together and then we see like who's part of this and how can we facilitate it the best way, what each of ours needs and expectations. And then we kind of, it's a little bit like you say, we have the high level plan and then we curate and we...

Nienke Nina (28:57.356)

Nienke Nina (29:02.734)

Anja (29:19.779)
keep the flexibility within to see how we plan it out in detail.

Nienke Nina (29:26.03)
Love it. It's interesting though, because there's like, when you look at retreats, like something it's like how you just described it, where there's, yeah, like there's the skeleton and then there's sort of add -ons, but also like, you know, like it will like flow as the program goes, depending on the people and all of that. And then you also have like very structured programs. And I think none, like...

one is not better than the other. I think where it all like comes down to is like as like a consumer, like what is it that you're intentionally looking for right now? And so I went on my workcation, which I did very similar to what you just described. Like I had kind of my framework, sort of like the basics of for my nomad life to have here, but then anything else, I just let it kind of flow because yeah, I'm in a surf town. I didn't surf at all.

Anja (30:02.115)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (30:16.387)

Nienke Nina (30:17.71)
But it was, it's fine. I don't feel like I missed out on anything. I'm like, no, I had an amazing time. I feel energized. I feel recharged. So I went here for that purpose and it happened and that's okay. So this is, and I'm saying this because sometimes people go to retreats and they might be disappointed or they're not getting the energy out that they expected. But I think oftentimes it's also, wait, did you actually go to the right experience? Because sometimes it's like,

Anja (30:21.707)
I'm sorry.

Anja (30:26.337)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (30:45.55)
You go to this retreat to have something solved, but do you actually know why you're going there? What do you want to get out of this? And then you can maybe have a less nicer experience because of this misalignment, because you didn't like really check in with yourself. Just a little tip for the nomads that are looking for experiences, whether it's a retreat, travel experience.

Um, I know like someone was a no, a nomad cruise that I talked to like, yeah, the wifi and this and that they have good wifi, but it's, it's, it's not an experience where you're going to work full time probably for five days or eight days, however long that is. Um, it's more about, you know, learning connection community. So it's, it's just a good sort of thing to, um, to also ask questions, uh, about from the retreat owners, right? Like, Hey, what is actually happening here?

Anja (31:19.713)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (31:39.043)
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I think that's really key and like expectation management from both sides. Also, if you join something to see like how would a typical day look like, what are the type of people who come and to see for the lines. But yeah, I love doing it and I love putting it together, like curating the group and designing the experience and making it about something special that fits to the place and also to the people who join.

Nienke Nina (31:46.286)

Nienke Nina (32:07.31)

Anja (32:07.779)
Yeah, there's just so much richness in the Italian culture and way of living that I just love to share and to bring into people's lives.

Nienke Nina (32:21.39)
Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, I feel that with you as well, like because we met him in person. So I feel that I hope that our listeners are getting that vibe. So we are recording this on March the 1st. I'm not quite sure when we're going to publish this. So when like, I don't know if you have like a full year plan, but like what are the upcoming retreats?

that you are organizing either by just your retreat. I know that you also do like co -retreats. I think you did one with Nomad Haven with Mina.

Anja (32:54.819)
Yes, I do. I organize retreats for individuals, nomads, travelers, entrepreneurs, but also together with communities as co -host. We're actually planning another one for Nomad Haven this year and then for another community next year. So I really enjoy that as well. And when it comes to the individual nomad retreats,

Nienke Nina (33:06.99)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (33:11.682)

Anja (33:24.227)
Then we have the Sardinia one in May and another one specifically for female entrepreneurs in Puglia, which is also gonna be awesome together with two friends of mine who also host retreats there, also two entrepreneurs. And they're both Puglian, so we bring Puglian female entrepreneurs and connect them with...

Nienke Nina (33:49.678)

Anja (33:52.749)
our retreat guests and we host sessions around certain topics. And I think like here the integration aspect is going to be really, really strong and super special. Yeah, and then Nomad Havenborn. And then we have one kind of new thing that is not so much. Well, it's also open for Nomads, of course, but it's more about regeneration and food in June. So it's for

Nienke Nina (34:19.82)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (34:21.661)
professionals can be nomadic but can also be employed or have more of a home base who want to explore what regeneration means through food. So we bring regeneration practices and food together and we because yeah we're gonna be really deep diving into the Italian

Nienke Nina (34:36.11)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (34:49.439)
world of food. We're going to stay at a regenerative farm and host different workshops to dive deeper into that.

Nienke Nina (34:59.63)
That sounds cool. Love it. Amazing. Well, lady, I'm rooting for you. I'm really grateful that we met through like the Nomad community and that we had our in -person experiences because that's just like, you know, I love, you know, like the remote world and, and virtual and all of that. But one of the things I learned also from going to the Minoma Festival and this year being surrounded by, by other people. So I love having the home base right now, but being

Anja (35:02.443)
Mm -hmm.

Anja (35:23.233)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (35:28.846)
in person part of the community. And it doesn't always have to be like more like a party vibe. It can be a retreat, a co -living experience. You can, you know, bring just friends organically together. It can be on a cruise ship. It could be somewhere in a farmland. I don't know. Like there's so many different options out there these days. And I think that's really cool. So I'm yeah. Congrats. Awesome.

Nienke Nina (35:56.366)

Nienke Nina (36:00.526)
Yeah, uh, wait one second. Your recording will be in a new track. Okay. Let me just take a note for my editor.

Anja (36:11.229)
Sorry my headphones.

Nienke Nina (36:16.224)

I'm just going to take a quick note, two tracks. Okay. Cool. Okay.

Anja (36:24.765)
Okay, sorry, I didn't disrupt the flow.

Nienke Nina (36:30.35)
That's all good, like we have an editor. All good.

Anja (36:32.853)
I really hope to see you soon in Tuscany as well.

Nienke Nina (36:39.63)
Yeah, I was just gonna say like, I love Italy. Like when we met in Sicily, I was just like working, I was like, oh my God, this is amazing. And then with the agency, I did this, the strategy for a new nomad company out there. And they are also doing experiences in Palermo. So also in Sicily, right, I was just like, wow, this is crazy.

So doing the strategy for that and launching their pilot office was so exciting to go back to Italy. So yeah, I think that's where my next workation is gonna be and it should be very soon because I'm loving being on a workation.

Anja (37:21.153)

Nienke Nina (37:23.054)
It's really good. Alright, so before we end the episode, I always ask my guests if they have one question. One question. So, do you have a question?

Anja (37:36.873)
Yeah, I'd love to know what you are up to next.

Nienke Nina (37:41.966)
Ooh, that's a big question. Whole new episode guys. No, well, yes, lots of new episodes. No, yeah, I love that question. So when you and I met was in October, I think for first time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So at that time I was like building my agency and all of that, right? And what I realized then after the Minoma Festival, I'm just going into reflections and all of that.

Anja (37:43.805)

Anja (37:56.157)
October, yeah.

Nienke Nina (38:08.558)
And I was building my agency with the same energy as I was building with my ex and all of that. And it was also a bit like ego driven, like less alignment. So after Minoma Festival, I really started to get like interested in finding alignment. So that's part of this work that I'm on right now is part of that. But also like reading back more into my chart with my human design.

with Jenna Zoe and just like really understanding all of these things.

Nienke Nina (38:58.83)

Anja (38:59.773)
Yes, no. Something happened.

Nienke Nina (39:03.182)
Oh, until what moment did you hear?

Anja (39:04.317)
So just like a few seconds ago.

Nienke Nina (39:09.102)
Oh, I think I unmute. I'm, oh, I don't know what happened. Anyways, so all of that together, came. So I'm starting this partnership with, actually with Maris from Enoma, right? Because what we saw was that in my business, finding alignment, freeing up time, saying no, setting boundaries.

Anja (39:26.257)
I think.

Nienke Nina (39:33.622)
restructuring my offers, like all of these different things, which is a lot of like marketing positioning, strategy stuff that I usually do for clients. Now that I was doing that for myself, I realized by conversations that I have with people, other entrepreneurs, this is really challenging, especially if you have to do it all by yourself and you don't have the processes, you don't have the flows, you don't have workbooks and all of that. Now I have that for my clients. So I...

did that for myself and I went on this conscious workation doing that. So chatting with Marissa about this and then adding the mindfulness aspect to it, I am gonna also do a retreat, but I don't wanna call it a retreat because I don't think it's gonna be like a retreat. I think it's more gonna be something else, but it will be a similar structure. So that's, yeah, that's what's up. Like, yes, my agency will still run.

Uh, with the one -on -one clients, I am turning my roadmaps that we do into a group program. Oh, actually that's new. Um, so building that group, group, group program right now. So I can help a bit more people because I had, I'm just over capacity right now and I don't want to hire too many people. So doing that, and then we will have the group program. And then afterwards we have like the offline, uh, in -person experience here in magical Morocco.

Anja (40:39.887)

Nienke Nina (40:58.254)
So that's what's happening. But it's like a little bit closer to what said in the beginning of this episode. This is a, this is an experiment. This is a very conscious experiment. So we put a lot of hardship into it, but of course we need to like make money because we're running a business. We're not a charity, but I'm, I don't have this ego intention anymore of like, wow, I need to, whoa, like fill up my bank account. Like that. I don't have any of that in me. It's just completely like.

Anja (41:20.527)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (41:28.18)
soul -driven, it's in my superpower, it's in Marisa's superpower, it's for mindful people, interested in mindfulness, it's for entrepreneurs, you know, so it's a very different experience organizing something like that and not just go like, yeah, follow the money. Like I love following money because money is great, it really makes life easier, but yeah, it's really a curation of the superpowers together.

Anja (41:51.131)
Mm -hmm.

Nienke Nina (41:57.614)
So that's what's coming off. Yeah.

Anja (41:58.109)
That sounds really amazing. Definitely keep it posted. Yeah, and I feel like the retreat, I mean, if you don't really have a passion for it and you don't bring yourself in with all that you love, it would just be too much work for the one or two weeks that it happens. So it's kind of, yeah, it's not a profitable business if you want to see it that way, except if you...

I don't know, make huge things all year long. But yeah, for this, I think it's a good add -on.

Nienke Nina (42:34.606)
Yeah, exactly. And I think also in entrepreneurship in general, like maybe now like these days online, there's so much noise, sorry, not noise. There's so much content about making money, doing quick thing, doing quick, quick things here and there. And I understand it and I love it. But then at the same time, I'm like, there, like if your soul is truly not connected like that, then it becomes so hard. And if it's not in alignment, and this is also all human design stuff, like if it's not in alignment with, with, with your purpose.

And while you're here, it's like, it becomes so hard and such a struggle. And now that I start focusing on things that are not a struggle anymore, it's like, I'm riding there. Not to say I don't have any struggles in my life. Like, of course I have, but like, it's, it's flowy and it feels good and it's nice. It's good energy and beautiful people. And it's just, it just comes together and that doesn't happen overnight. Like you don't buy that on Instagram.

Anja (43:35.097)
Uh -uh. Running a business with ease, I think that's the, if you can say that, that's the cherry on top, yeah.

Nienke Nina (43:44.238)
Yeah, it's really like that. All right, before we go, a quick question. Where can people find you online and also more about your retreats? Because I would love to link that. So guys, ladies, mostly ladies, I think, if you're listening. Yeah, like where can people find you?

Anja (44:04.029)
So my business is called Agaya Co -Living and that's also the Instagram name. So Agaya with the I Co -Living.

Nienke Nina (44:15.246)
Okay, cool. Awesome. We will also make sure that that's in the show notes so you can see that there. Uh, Anya, thank you so much for joining today. I really enjoyed our conversation. Sure. It's like so long, but I love chatting with you. So I kept you here, but I set you free now.

Anja (44:31.069)
It was so good to talk to you and I hope to see you soon.

Nienke Nina (44:35.662)
Yay! Alright, just give me one second. I'm gonna...

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